The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesotaâ”Twin Cities and the Religious Studies Program invite applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in Early Islam (to c. 1250). The appointment will begin on August 25, 2025. The appointment will be 100% time over the 9-month academic year with a 2/2 course load at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor. Salary is competitive. We seek a scholar of Early Islam who has some background in Religious Studies. Possible methodological approaches and areas of specialization include, but are not limited to:
Early Islamic world
Critical historical, comparative, literary, or anthropological approaches
Exegesis, rhetoric, oral and written textuality, interpretive traditions
Qurâ™anic studies
Islamic legal studies
Classical Islamic thought (and its modern resonances)
Transnational connections, race, ethnicity, and identity
Social, political, and economic history of early Muslim/Islamic societies
This will be a joint appointment between the interdepartmental Religious Studies Program and the tenure-granting department within the College of Liberal Arts that best fits the candidateâ™s scholarship and research field.
As a tenure-track faculty member, responsibilities will include executing an innovative and consistent research and publication agenda; offering courses in the area of research specialty as well as teaching core courses in the Religious Studies and Islamic Studies undergraduate and graduate curricula (e.g., Foundational Islamic Texts; Introduction to Religions of the World; and/or Theory and Methods in the Study of Religion); supervising graduate research (in Religious Studies and the tenure-granting department); creating new avenues for cross-disciplinary research at the university that would include the study of Islam; and service to the Religious Studies Program, the tenure department, the College, and the University. Additional responsibilities in the tenure department will be determined. The regular teaching load is 2/2.
Faculty in the College of Liberal Arts are expected to maintain an active program of scholarly research or creative activity that includes publication, exhibition, or performance; develop and teach undergraduate and graduate courses; advise students; and contribute service appropriate for the rank of appointment to the department, college, University, and profession.
The University of Minnesota, founded in the belief that all people are enriched by understanding, is dedicated to the advancement of learning and the search for truth; to the sharing of this knowledge through education for a diverse community; and to the application of this knowledge to benefit the people of the state, the nation, and the world.