Cape Cod Academy cultivates academic excellence and fosters a passion for life-long learning. Our nurturing K-12 community is deeply rooted in our core values of scholarship, integrity, compassion, and respect. Empowered by meaningful relationship, students develop the intellectual and social skills to become confident, independent, and successful citizens.
In partnership with the Head of School and the Senior Leadership Team, the Director of Lower School will facilitate the day-to-day operations of the Lower School, K-5, including all aspects of teaching and learning, curriculum development, and program assessment. As a visible presence throughout the school, the Director of Lower School will advance our school’s mission by implementing curricular, strategic, and operational initiatives to meet established goals by:
• providing ongoing leadership and support to a strong and talented Lower School faculty; • designing a process for evaluating the Lower School’s academic program and developing recommendations for innovations to reach the goals of its strategic vision; • overseeing the faculty recruitment and hiring processes for K-5 and coordinating orientation and yearlong programming for the new faculty cohort; • designing and facilitating ongoing professional growth for individual Lower School faculty and the collective group; • strengthening the family-school partnership by serving as liaison between Lower School parents/guardians and the school; • evaluating, refining, and stewarding the curriculum, pedagogy, and overall student experience, K-5; • designing and implementing ways to strengthen and grow the processes and structures that make the K-5 Seahawk experience more cohesive for students and families; • fostering our core values of scholarship, integrity, compassion, and respect throughout all aspects of Lower School life.
Successful candidates will bring significant experience in leadership positions across many departments and/or areas of school life. Candidates should have a deep appreciation for our core values, the rich history of Cape Cod Academy, and an enthusiasm and desire for professional and school growth. Experience as an academic leader, particularly in an independent, cross-divisional school, and as a classroom teacher are preferred. Of course, candidates should be self-reflective, able to work independently, and possess a ready and willing sense of humor – characteristics necessary to thrive in the K-12 environment today.
Interested candidates should submit the following materials electronically, attached as separate pdf documents, to Julie A. Salit, Head of School, at
• Cover letter expressing your interest in this particular Director of Lower School position; • Current resume; • Writing sample (recent article, talk, presentation, etc.) that speaks to your leadership and communication style, or your educational philosophy; • A list of three professional references with contact information. (References will not be contacted without candidate’s permission.)
More than a school—it’s a personalized journey.
Cape Cod Academy is an independent day school for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Located in Osterville, MA, our college preparatory school sits on a 46-acre campus.
CCA strives for academic excellence throughout each student’s educational journey, and consists of three divisions— the Lower School (elementary), which spans Kindergarten to fifth grade, Middle School, covering grades 6-8, and our Upper School (high school) for grades 9 through 12.
Cape Cod Academy isn’t like any other school. Here, it’s personal. We adjust how we teach to the individual student—because every child has a unique learning style. We call this PAL, our Personalized Approach to Learning. More than a school—it’s a personalized journey.
Our small classes average 12 students, allowing our dedicated teachers to get to know exactly how our kids learn best, and how they are doing socially and emotionally. Then, we use that information to tailor unique learning plans that will give them the tools to thrive, as they are challenged to be the best they can be.
The school is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization overseen by a Board of Trustees.... CCA was founded in Osterville in 1976 after the closing of our predecessor schools, The Friendship School and the Sea Pines School.
Our Students
Twenty-one percent of CCA students identify as bi-racial, American Indian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, or Asian American. Thirty-seven percent of CCA students receive financial-aid grants to make CCA affordable. CCA students come to the school from over 21 different communities across the Cape, South Shore, and South Coast--as far north as Pembroke, as far east as Eastham and Chatham, and as far west as Marion. The number of students from the Upper Cape and off Cape is about the same as the number from the mid Cape. CCA has historically attracted families of diverse nationality, including recent and current students who are citizens of Haiti, Iceland, Belarus, India, Bulgaria, and Portugal. One hundred percent of Cape Cod Academy's students are accepted into four-year colleges.
Our Faculty
The hallmark of an independent school is its faculty. At CCA, the commitment of our teachers is neither measured by the ringing of a bell, nor confined to the walls of a classroom. Faculty are involved in every aspect of school life and can be seen on campus in the afternoon, in the evening, and on weekends. Our teachers are experts within the fields of their chosen discipline: history teachers are historians, English teachers are writers, art and music teachers exhibit and perform.
The CCA Mission
Cape Cod Academy cultivates academic excellence and fosters a passion for life-long learning. Our nurturing K-12 community is deeply rooted in our core values of scholarship, integrity, compassion, and respect. Empowered by meaningful relationships, students develop the intellectual and social skills to become confident, independent, and successful citizens.
Our Core Values
As a school and a community, Cape Cod Academy is given purpose and clarity by daily reference to our guiding core values:
Cape Cod Academy places a premium on:
- Positive and mutually responsible relationships among students and their faculty
- High standards and ambitions - for academics & relationships
- Field-based exploration of the way the world works
- Customized independent learning initiatives
- Easy access to a breadth of opportunities for intellectual, ethical, social, artistic, and physical growth
- Service, advocacy, and tackling complex problems
- Courage, curiosity, communication, and consideration of others
Our Campus
Cape Cod Academy sits on a beautiful, quiet campus of 46 acres just ½ mile from the bays of Cotuit and Osterville. Among its outdoor features are forests, walking trails, a vernal pool and greenhouse for scientific research, and an outdoor classroom.
The academic campus is comprised of six interconnected buildings:
- The Lower School: Chope Commons & Wilkens Hall
- Davis Commons
- The Science & Math Building
- Founders Hall (MS)
- The original L building (US)
The academic complex, includes:
- Tew Library (Lower School)
- Ungerman Library (Middle School & Upper School)
- Sidman Lecture Hall
- Six advanced science laboratories
- Dedicated lower school science lab
- An art gallery
- Four visual art studios
- Digital art lab
- Traditional wet photo lab
- Ceramic wheels & kiln
- A main stage
- A Black Box Theatre
- A Computer lab
- Learning Center
- A music pavilion
- College counseling pavilion
The athletic facilities include:
- Four varsity-sized playing fields
- Eight tennis courts
- Outdoor heated pool
- Two full-size gymnasiums
- Cross-country running course
- Lower school playground and playing field
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