The Upper Division History Department is seeking a dynamic and experienced educator to join our collaborative department in delivering a rigorous and engaging curriculum. The preferred candidate will have the ability to teach upper-level electives in Asian History (East, South, or Southeast), as well as our survey courses, Modern World History and/or United States History. Preference will be given to candidates with teaching experience in one of these core subjects. Qualified applicants must demonstrate the ability to teach historical thinking and analytical skills as well as a commitment to guiding students in developing fundamental research and writing skills across grades and subject areas. A minimum of three years teaching experience is required, and an advanced history degree is strongly recommended. The expected annual salary range for this position is $72,500 - $113,500, with the final determination based on experience, education level and other job-related factors.
The Upper Division at Horace Mann School provides a demanding academic experience for more than 700 highly motivated, hard-working students. Combining rigorous courses in STEM fields with ambitious courses in the Humanities and Arts, the Upper Division curriculum allows students to build essential critical thinking skills, to delve deep into their areas of interest, and to become independent thinkers. Students and faculty take pleasure in intellectual pursuit and the understanding of their connections to the world around them. Through the school's extensive extracurricular programs, students work with faculty members to pursue their passion for service and social justice. The Upper Division is characterized by the purpose, energy, curiosity, and empathy of its students and faculty.
Interested candidates should submit a detailed resume, including all teaching and non-teaching related experience and cover letter to
A minimum of three years teaching experience is required, and an advanced history degree is strongly recommended.
Horace Mann School is a coeducational, college preparatory independent day school for students fromNursery through grade 12. The School seeks to stretch the imagination, intellect and insight of its students whiledeveloping the moral characteristics that impart identity and purpose. We recognize as our core values: the Lifeof the Mind, Mature Behavior, Mutual Respect, a Secure and Healthful Environment, and a Balance betweenIndividual Achievement and a Caring Community. These core values guide our decision-making and govern theimplementation of our curriculum and programs across all divisions of Horace Mann School. In addition to itscampuses in Manhattan and the Bronx, NY, the School also owns and maintains the John Dorr NatureLaboratory, a comprehensive outdoor education facility on 320 largely wooded acres in Washington, CT. Oneof the nation’s 10 largest independent day schools, as of September, 2024, the School enrolls 1,805 studentsfrom 145 zip codes, primarily representing Manhattan, The Bronx, New Jersey, Westchester and Connecticut.Approximately 55% of students identified as race other than white and/or as Hispanic/Latinx and 2% ofstudents identify as international. Just 50% of our students identify as girls and just under 50% of ourstudents identify as boys. A third group expresses a different gender identity. Approximately 16% of ourcurrent students receive Financial Aid to attend Horace Mann. Thirty-seven percent of School administrators,teachers, and staff members identified as race other than white and/or as Hispanic/Latinx. Over the past fiveyears, the School has recorded a 97% annual retention rate for students and a 92% retention rate for allemployees. The school’s most recent $125 million bricks and mortar campaign has provided the Middle andUpper Divisions with newly constructed and renovated state of the art science and physical education facilities.The Upper Division at Horace Mann School provides a demanding academic experience for more than700 highly motivated, hard-working students. Combining rigorous courses in STEM fields with ambitiouscourses in the Humanities and Arts, the Upper Division curriculum allows students to build essential criticalthinking skills, to delve deep into their areas of interest, and to become independent thinkers. Students andfaculty take pleasure in intellectual pursuit and the understanding of their connections to the world around them.Through the school's extensive extracurricular programs, students work with faculty members to pursue theirpassion for service and social justice. The Upper Division is characterized by the purpose, energy, curiosity, andempathy of its students and faculty.