The department is establishing a pool of applicants to fill potential part-time temporary teaching positions and full-time visiting faculty position openings. (Please note: FT Visiting positions are rare and they should not be the sole purpose for your application.)
Major Responsibilities:
A classroom based 3 credit hour course pays $4000 per class. The department typically hires for the courses/subject areas listed below but this list is not all inclusive. Other courses/subject areas may become available within the department. ILLUSTRATIVENEEDSINCLUDE:
Sociology—Introduction to Sociology and Methods of Social Research I and II.
Anthropology—Introduction to Cultural Anthropology and Human Evolution and Survival.
Elective courses in Sociology and/or Criminology.
Required Qualifications:
Appropriate level of experience and/or Master's degree.
SUNY Cortland is one of 64 campuses in the State University of New York system. The State University of New York is a quality public university that combines world-renowned faculty, dedicated staff, and a truly diverse body of talented students to pursue its mission in every corner of the state: "to learn, to search, to serve."